Valbona-river: an Albanian beauty

Bajram Curri, a little town in Albania, next to the border with Kosovo. In the next valley flows the river Valbona, a jewell. Today we; Bart Van Looveren(Belgium), Gent Mati(Albania) and I, paddled the lower part of this river. Yesterday we tackled the upper-part, steep and fast with some long portages. We arrived in Albania 10 days ago, flying with Alitalia from Brussels to Tiranna, and so far we paddled 9 days out of 10, from the Greek border till the border with Kosovo. Tomorrow we drive towards the Shala-valley, where we hope to do a first-run on the lower part of the Shala-river, located in one of the most remote valleys of the country.
So far we paddled on the Fan i Vogel, Suha, Langarica, Osum, Devoll, Kirr and Valbona.
Next week I will publish some more, because I have got no high-speed line here in town.

Steven Van den heuvel (Belgium)
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