Panama-news (new version)

Boquete, a smal town one hour north of David, located on the slopes of the Baru-volcano, next to the Costa Rica border. We arrived here last monday. The weather here is cold compared to Panama-City. In this region most of the rivers can be found. There is rain every day, but unfortunately the heavy rainseason is over. As a warming-up river we paddled the "Witches"-section of the Chiriqui, a grade 3-4 boulder section with some fine rapids towards the end. Next was the Cochea-river. We paddled a 4 hour section through the jungle and small gorges, grade 4. Starting as a little steep torrent, the river gains volume thanks to the big number of tributaries. At high water-level this run becomes a rollercaster. Very nice scenery. Due to a lack of water we had to paddle the lowest part of the Caldera. Not to difficult, grade 3-4, but another nice scenery. A tucan cought our attention at the put in. The take-out is at the dam, at the confluence with the Chiriqui, on a very muddy beach. A couple of years ago you could continue after the dam on a section called the "Playrun". Now the river is dry, all of the water is deviated to

Happy paddling,
Steven Van den heuvel
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