
Neues Eskimo Testcenter in Lenggries

Nur 100m entfernt von der Isar und 1 Stunde von Rißbach oder der Brandenberger Ache ist der neue Kanushop in Lengries der optimale Ausgangspunkt für alle möglichen Kajaktouren.
Zur Vergügung steht die gesamte ESKIMO-Flotte.
Kajaksport-Neulinge können entsprechende Kursangebote in Anspruch nehmen, die von kompetenten und professionellen Guides geleitet werden.

Münchner Str. 21
83661 Lenggries


Mit ESKIMO und KANU-TOTAL zum Garnd Canyon

12 Tage, 450 km, kein Auto: Der Kajaktrip Deines Lebens! Komm mit uns zum Grand Canyon Colorado, vom 15. bis 27.07.2008.
Sei dabei und sichere Dir umgehend Deinen Grand Canyon Trip für 2499,- € unter http://www.kanutotal.de/grandcanyon1.html.
Als größter Reiseveranstalter Deutschlands, für Kajaktrips am Grand Canyon, bieten wir Dir ein komplettes Servicepaket incl. aller Leistungen und die Faszination Colorado wird Dich nie mehr loslassen.


How to transfer a Grade II into a Grade IV

Gordon Stam of the Utah White Water Club took the chance at OUTDOOR RETAILER in Salt Lake City to invite Jan Kellner of ESKIMO Kayaks to a trip on the Weber River.
As he thought this grade II river might be too easy for Jan, he put some slalom gates. Together with other paddlers of the Utah White Water Club Jan and Gordon tested the trickiest lines through the gates and later on through the Rock garden of the Weber River proving that you do not need more than a grade II to have fun!

Gordon Stam surfing a wave with his ESKIMO KENDO

Jan Kellner fighting his way through the gates with his ESKIMO SPEEDO

For more info on the Utah White Water Club visit http://www.utahwhitewaterclub.org/
or http://www.gskayak.com/

News from the USA

Hey Everyone,

Hope summer has treated you well. We haven’t been as blessed with water as we’d hoped this year, but thanks to the Green, I’ve still managed to run some goods. I’ve just finished working at the NOC for the summer and I’m gearing up for school to start in a week, but there’s a little something on the team blog to help you break out of the grind and maybe get motivated to get out and scrape down something at low flow.

I played with a headcam on the Green the other day and the new post is the result (see link below). Too bad the water level was a little low to fire up Gorilla – I guess I had to walk it sometime! Hope to be back soon and shoot some better footage. Please overlook the low quality of the video and editing – this was my first time playing with a headcam and my good editing software isn’t installed as of now. Enjoy!

Chan Jones
Team Eskimo USA
